
Sport in the Ardèche

For a sporting or activity-filled getaway, you won’t run short of ideas in the Ardèche! Whether you’re passionate about hiking, trail walking, climbing, canoeing, potholing, canyoning, mountain biking or road cycling, the Ardèche can offer it all.

Hiking in the Ardèche

Discover the wild landscape of the Ardèche gorges by following the hiking trails that climb among the rocks and wild oaks, sometimes vertiginously over-hanging the gorge itself! State-certified guides are on call who can help advise on routes and also provide a wealth of specialist local information on the flora and fauna, the geology and the human history of our magnificent and protected region.

Trail walking in the Ardèche

In southern Ardèche limestone is king! Our pathways can be steep and rocky – but are always magnificent, and filled with warm air and the scents of thyme and rosemary. Routes clamber up and down following the contours of landscape, crossing dry river beds and skirting cliffs. In short, it’s the perfect terrain both for enthusiastic trekkers or those just looking for a walk among nature. And it’s no accident that trail lovers choose the Ardèche gorges for an annual meeting, whose popularity increases each year.

For more information visit:

Climbing in the Ardèche

The cliffs and rock faces of the Ardèche are world renowned among climbers at all levels. The climbing sites are so many and varied that there really is something for everyone, whether it be a family climb at the river’s edge in Viel Audon, swimming between two climbs and ending the day in the beautiful village of Balazuc, or tackling the most demanding climbs such as the celebrated “Pilier d’Autridge”, or the “Grotte des Branches” at Salavas, where you can climb protected from the rain or shaded from the sun, depending on the weather! Famously the only unexplored site was the “Pont d’Arc” natural arch, until this was conquered in such spectacular fashion by Chris Sharma’s deep-water solo line in 2017

(see: and

For further and information and to make bookings, please ask at the reception desk.

Canoeing in the Ardèche

It ought to be forbidden to leave Ardèche if you haven’t canoed down the gorges in a kayak! Even the least sporting among us should have a go at this unique opportunity to commune with nature. In the Ardèche gorges there are no cars, shops or restaurants – just the lapping of cool water, the sunlight playing on the river, and the towering cliffs which are home to, among others, Bonelli’s eagles, Egyptian vultures, Peregrine falcons and short-toed eagles. To take best advantage, choose a quiet period such as April–June or September–October. During high season, opt for the evening mini-descent, for an unforgettable communal experience accompanied by passionate and informed guides.

For further information and to make bookings, please ask at the reception desk.

Potholing in the Ardèche

The Ardèche is often said to have as many holes as a Swiss cheese! So it’s the perfect location for lovers of potholing, experts and beginners alike. Take the opportunity to explore our underground world and discover the wonders of this often underestimated sport. Nothing can match the feeling of descending into an unspoiled cave. The darkness and the silence encourage whispers, the scale of the rock forms commands our awe, while the play of the light from head-torches illuminates and makes the crystal encrusted walls sparkle – all amounting to a truly unique and unforgettable experience.

For further information and to make bookings, please ask at the reception desk.

Canyoning in the Ardèche

Canyoning can be a wonderfully exhilarating activity to share in a group with friends and family, and a great way to have a genuine adventure in the Ardèche mountains. Explore this magnificent landscape of chestnut trees and waterfalls, dive into natural swimming holes, swim through crystal-clear fresh water, slide down rapids, or abseil down rock faces! Accompanied by experienced and well-equipped guides, this activity is suitable for children from 6 years upwards. Go on, let them have a go!

For further information and to make bookings, please ask at the reception desk.

Mountain biking in Ardèche

N'oubliez surtout pas les VTT de toute la famille en faisant vos bagages pour vos vacances en Ardèche ! Les sentiers, pistes et petites routes sont nombreux pour partir explorer les recoins les plus reculés de notre campagne. Faites-vous accompagner pour de véritables expéditions à la journée, ou bien procurez-vous le guide des ballades en VTT en Sud Ardèche, disponible à l'office du tourisme, avec de nombreuses idées de ballades pour tous les niveaux.

Si vous souhaitez pratiquer entre amis dans une ambiance sportive et chaleureuse, ne manquez pas le Raid Nature du Pont d'Arc, chaque week-end de Pâques.

Vélo de route en Ardèche

Don’t forget to pack mountain bikes for all the family when coming to the Ardèche! There are numerous small roads and trails allowing you to discover the most remote and hidden corners of the region. Enjoy a day of exploration in the company of guides and locals, or pick up a map of trails in the area and go it alone. Maps are available at Tourist Information offices and include numerous ideas for itineraries at all levels throughout southern Ardèche. For a mountain biking experience in a particularly convivial atmosphere, don’t miss the annual Pont d’Arc Nature Trek, every Easter weekend


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